

H-ARC: A Robust Estimate of Human Performance on the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus Benchmark (2024)

See the project webpage here.

[arXiv], [repo].

Predicting insight during physical problem solving (2024)

See a full reference page here. Try the game here.



A Computational Model of Category-Learning Difficulty (2021)

This paper was written for my Honours Research Project at McGill University conducted under the supervision of Prof. Stevan Harnad. Categorical perception and category-learning difficulty is investigated through the elaboration of a functional model of experimental outcomes.

[paper], [repo].

A Model of Categorical Perception in the Human Visual System (2021)

This paper and the accompanying code was written as a term project for a computational neuroscience course I took at McGill University. A broadly biologically inspired model of categorical perception in human vision is explored and results from the originators of the model are replicated.

[paper], [repo].